Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Teachings of Buddha

"The Ways of Practice"
(9) There are four unlimited states of mind that the seeker of enlightenment should cherish. They are compassion, tenderness, gladness and equanimity. One can remove greed by cherishing compassion; one can remove anger by cherishing tenderness; one can remove suffering by cherishing gladness; and, one can remove the habit of discrimination of enemies and friends by cherishing an equitable mind.

(13) If one keeps his eyes open, he will see the teaching everywhere.

"The Meaning of a True Friend": one who always sticks closely to the right way; one who worries secretly about his friend's welfare; one who consoles his friend in misfortune; one who always offers a helping hand; one who knows to keep secrets; and, one who always gives good advice.


Unknown said...

Hey, Aaron,

I am constantly amazed at how beautifully you describe your experiences and your impressions. Can't wit to talk with you upon your return. Ja mata! Love, Mom

-A- said...

thanks, ma. but i hope you didn't mean this last post here. i copied that verbatim from the teachings of buddha. i don't claim to be as articulate as the fat man.